Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another outing....

Harry went for a hack in the forest on Monday, along with a friends mare. We came to a gate that was locked, and the only way round was via a ledge that was 12" across, and with a huge water filled ditch on it. My friend and her mare had to ride all the way back, but Harry being Harry just put his head down and very slowly and carefully walked around the ledge. He is part mountain goat of course!

On Thursday we went to Woodhill Sands again. They were holding a twilight SJ night, so I took harry for another outing. I had Kellie come along to ride him. Kellie lost her nerve a couple of years ago and is very very nervous about riding and certainly about jumping. She had a great time on Harry, and together they made a great pair, even trotting over the X a few times!

Steph was there on her flash horse, so she jumped on Harry afterwards to see if she could manage a canter on him...she got about 3 or 4 strides before he decided it was FAR too much hard work....

Not sure who is more exhausted...Steph or Harry...

This photo below shows the scar on his neck (just above the rein). This is a war wound that he obtained during his time in the wild. When I first got him, it was huge, and enlarged - about 4" diam and at least an inch high off his neck in places. Over time it has reduced, and now it is flat and just scarred on the skin.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The "before" pics...straight from the wild...

These pics are of Harry and the foals that were rounded up at the same time as him. Pics taken 48 hours after they were rounded up.

Harry on the far right:

Saturday, October 24, 2009

First time out...

Today Harry went for his first ride in the truck since he was rounded up from the ranges in 2007. He loaded and travelled like a pro, and came off the other end very relaxed and happy.
We went to Woodhill Sands as there was a low key show hunter day on.

I had a friend ride him so that I could lead him and manage him on the ground in case he was worried about being out and about. I needn't have worried about him though, he was happy as larry and didnt care at all about the other horses.

Anyway, Harry was a star, and even jumped the practice fence a few times. Go Harrison!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Riding time

Time for Harry to come back into work after many months off. Of course he was a piece of cake...still not keen on anyone but me catching him but at least he allows Steph to ride him now.

So....his "S"uperman tags arrived in the post this weekend, and soon he will be ready to make his debut! Cant wait to see the little guy out and about.
Plan is to geld him in the spring, of course plans can always change ;-)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Finally, Harry is ridden!

In the space of a week, harry has been dragged back into domestic life! We had Warrick McLean out from Australia and I was extremely fortunate that he was able to come here and do some more groundwork and then he sat on him in the stable.


The next day I decided that if he can do it, so can I...and so I got on him and it was great just to finally be sitting on my boy!

And he is measured at 14.2hh. I guessed him at 14hh..will remeasure him when we trim his feet!

Then we took him into the roundpen where Leanne had a proper ride ;-) So exciting!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Bridle on, check! Roller on, check!

Having been turned out over winter and pretty much not had anything done to him, I decided it was time he stopped being on welfare and started to get a job.

So..yesterday was a refresher of tying up and grooming. Today we put the roller on, and then led him out into the round pen. I didn't do it up too tight at first as I thought he might didn't give a damn. So then I did it up tight, and again, no reaction! We walked around and he just doesnt mind at all.

So then I figured I may as well try the bridle on for size. Well he has a big head for a little pony! He fits Lucy's bridle and bit just fine lol.

So here he is, first time ever with a bridle and roller on, and I swear you'd think he'd had one on before! And yes I let the rope lay on the ground while I took photos. He ground ties and doesn't move at all, so I have no issue with doing it with him!

And no, he's not gelded yet ;-)